Monday, April 14, 2014

1st Grade Squeegee Prints

 This is a project that I dreamed up a few years ago - it requires a modified squeegee, which I bought at a dollar store and notched to create a drawing tool. I also have plastic versions of this tool, but kids love the squeegee version, and just love saying the word "squeegee"!  They first created a marker design on paper, being careful to use light, bright colors.  Next, we used black printing ink and a metal tray to create a surface for students to scrape a design on, using the squeegee.  The last step is to place the colorful design on the ink design, press lightly, and pull off a beautiful, one of a kind print!

2nd Grade Artistic Chairs

 This is a student (and art teacher) favorite that I have been presenting to kids since 1999 - artistic chairs in the style of Wendell Castle.  I share a book of Castle's artistic furniture, and then we dive in with hundreds of recycled tubes,cardboard, paint, oak tag paper, and various craft materials.  Students are required to develop a theme for their chairs, and choose art elements that reflect that theme.  Their ideas always amaze me!

Creative color wheels

 3rd graders have been exploring color relationships by mixing primary colors to create secondary colors, and arranging all the colors in "Roy G. Biv" order.  They were required to draw, paint, and cut out an interesting shape for each color.  The resulting color wheels are very imaginative!

Radial Symmetry Records

 My 4th graders had a great time drawing on these records; it's a perfect object to demonstrate concentric circles and radial symmetry to students.  They also really enjoyed the retro nature of this lesson, and had an interesting discussion about how technology keeps changing over time.  We used colored pencils to create patterns on the vinyl, and patterned paper in the center, which served as inspiration for the design.  Parents, if you have any records you are willing to part with, I will be glad to take them off of your hands, so that my 4th graders will have the same fun opportunity next year!