Monday, May 16, 2016

2016 Walkabout!

If you missed the walkabout, here is some of the wonderful work that was displayed in the Tesago hallways!

2016 Art Show Hours!

Please check the store front for additional hours...Wed. 5/18  12 - 3PM
                                                                           Thurs. 5/19  9 - 4PM
                                                                           Fri. 5/20  9 - 12 & 4 - 7PM
                                                                           Sat. 5/21  12 - 2PM
                                                                           Sun.  5/22  12 - 4PM
                                                                           Mon.  5/23  9 - 12 & 4 - 7PM
                                                                           Tues.  5/24  9 - 5PM
                                                                           Wed.  5/25  3 - 8PM

                                                                           Closing Reception:
                                                                           Wednesday, May 25th
                                                                           5:00 - 6:15

Sunday, May 8, 2016

4th Grade Wanted Posters

This is the most challenging project of the year for my 4th graders, because drawing realistic faces is very difficult.  The focus here was on proportion; after we looked at faces that were drawn out of proportion, such as caricatures, students learned how to use guide lines to create facial features that are in proportion.  Correct size and placement of features was stressed.  Students were required to draw a person, real or fictional, that is wanted for something positive.  Many drew family members and friends, along with sports figures, presidents, queens, scientists, and Harry Potter characters!

1st Grade Starry Night Landscapes

This project is a wonderful introduction to Vincent Van Gogh, and gives students the opportunity to create a mixed media piece, using paper, oil pastels, and metallic markers.  Students also experimented with Van Gogh's style, drawing with dashes of color.  The highlight of the project was definitely using the metallic markers, which kids LOVED!

5th Grade Perspective Drawing

Students were able to choose what direction to take in order to complete their one point perspective drawings; I was pleased to see that many took on the more challenging options, particularly the aquarium. We practiced the basic techniques first, using geometric shapes, and then students developed creative ideas for their final drawings.  The art element of color really makes these images pop!